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Hartselle Enquirer

2014 Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

My wish for Christmas is that everyone who has served and is serving gets to come home and see their family for Christmas. I really hope that the soldiers receive plenty of “thanks” for serving for us. The soldiers are fighting for our freedom. Without the soldiers fighting for us, where would we be? I can’t even imagine what it would be like without freedom, without a life.

I know the soldiers are doing a lot in Afghanistan and all around the world, but people are taking it for granted. For everyone who takes this for granted, just stop and think about how it would be if the soldiers didn’t care about the people. About a month ago, my friend, Sarah, was at school when her brother got home from the Army and he came to school and she got to see her brother for the first time in a really long time. I thought that was really sweet and that’s how I want it to be for all the wives, husbands, children, moms, dads, etc. to be able to see the soldiers and have a great time. Merry Christmas!

Love, Elena Chaney

Dear Santa,

My family’s Christmas is going a lot of places. First, we wake up and open our presents under our tree. We wear our pajamas the whole day. Then, we go to my granny’s for breakfast and then to my nana’s house, then to my other nana’s house. As I already said, when we go to my granny’s house, we eat breakfast. If it snows, we ride our 4-wheelers at my granny’s. Then, we open a few presents. Then we go to my nana’s house and have a silly string war inside the house. At my other nana’s, we just sit around. And that’s my Christmas traditions.

Your friend, Ryan Garrison

Dear Santa,

The best gift I’ve ever given my mom was a big leather purse on Christmas. Once she opened her present and saw what it was, she screamed to the top of her lungs. She dumped everything out of her old purse and put it into her new one. She asked who it was from and I said me. She told me since I bought her that she was going to take me out to the store and buy me something I’ve always wanted.

After I got what I wanted, then there was one more present left. It was for her and when she opened it, she almost passed out. It was a new makeup kit. It had a mirror at the top of it and over 20 different shades of color. She was so happy, she took me to the movies, then to Chuck E. Cheese and later to the ice skating rink to learn how to skate.


Bricen Tapscott

Dear Santa,

I would love to tell you about a special gift that I gave someone. My sister, my mom and me were in the car coming home from doing a bit of shopping. We were leaving the parking lot and saw this homeless man with a sign that said and I quote, “Please help. Food or money is very needed.” He was very dirty and cold and he looked like he was getting ill.

The next day, we went back to Decatur and saw that he was still there. So, my mom said, “Let’s go get him some food.” And we did. We pulled into the Arby’s drive through and got him the biggest sandwich on the menu with a large Sprite. We pulled up to him and gave the food and he said, “God bless and thank you.”


Danica Cuip

Dear Santa,

I’d be honored to tell you the best gift my family has given to someone. It was a brand new Ford Explorer. They were totally flabbergasted when they saw this special gift, especially for them. The gift was for my grandparents because their old Nissan Quest was destroyed in an accident. Luckily, they were fine. My parents and I very thoughtfully decided to give a car to them.

At first, my grandparents were not willing to accept the gift. They said that they could manage to find a decent car on their own. We eventually convinced them to take it. They were happy to find out that there was a large trunk because they usually go to the grocery store and buy tons of things to last them for a whole month, and they need a big place to fit it all in. I hope that you enjoyed hearing about the best gift my family has every given to someone.


Ruchi Patel

Dear Santa,

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. Just like the one we had last year. I would really like to have a lot of snow. Could you arrange that before Christmas because snow is so fun. We like to play around in it.

It is very beautiful. We can also make snow cones and snow cream out of it. I love to watch it fall down outside our house while we drink hot chocolate and sit on our porch. Snow is beautiful and I would love to have around a foot of it by maybe next week. So, Santa, if you could bring that, it would be wonderful.

Yours truly, Lacy Slaten

Dear Santa,

The day during Christmas, we have a feast. I think it’s a little better than Thanksgiving. We have ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, brown beans and northern beans. We have a great time. Sometimes, we don’t celebrate because one of our family members has to work. Instead, we have it on December 24, also known as Christmas Eve. We sometimes open Christmas presents if this happens. Well, I hope to get to see you and sit on your lap at the mall.

Love, Zach Lyons

Dear Santa,

I would like to tell you a few things. But not like the “I want a new toy.” I would like to tell you about the best gift my family has ever given.

The best gift my family has ever given to someone was an iPhone, but it was more than just walk up to a family that we didn’t know and give their son an iPhone. If you would allow me to tell you the story.

It all happened a few years ago, when my dad was at Walmart getting groceries. He had bumped into someone he knew. Come to find out, it was the counselor of Danville Middle School. So, my dad and her had worked it out that our church was going to do a jacket program there. But then, the counselor mentioned one family in particular that needed help. The family consisted of four boys. So, when the counselor told my dad about that family, he wanted our family, not the church to help them. So, we did. The next day was Wednesday and we were going to pick that family up and bring them to church. They loved the first night they came. They fit right in with all of us.

The next day, my dad came home and told me and my brother that we were not going to get as many presents as we usually get. He said that he wanted to spend at least $50 on each boy. That year, I didn’t think I was going to make it without as many presents. But to be honest, it was by far, probably one of best Christmases I had ever had. Also, if my dad had not told me that we were not getting as many presents as we usually did, I wouldn’t have noticed anyway.

Now Santa, I didn’t just tell you that story to make the nice list. I told you that story to tell you this. I don’t always have to get a lot of presents. You receive the joy in giving.


Destiny Jarrett

Dear Santa,

Did you have a good summer? How is Mrs. Claus, is she doing ok? Well, I want to ask for a present but not the kind for me. Here it is: I would like peace on earth. People are fighting and countries are fighting too.

The reason why I want world peace is because if countries start to fight, we will have another world war and we don’t need that. So, if you could do that for me, I would be so grateful.

Yours truly, Mac

Dear Santa,

I’m wishing this year that every homeless person gets a warm place to stay on Christmas Eve. To have a warm meal with a glass to drink from. Just one night would fill their hearts with joy. So, please give it some thought.

Also, that every child would be kind enough to donate just one Christmas present to an adoption center for kids in need. When kids give or even adults, it would not only make the kids happier, but themselves happy. So, just think about giving just one or two things to charity. If they give, I promise that every donation will go to the charity.

Your believer,

Braxton Westbrook

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is to give a foster kid a merry Christmas. I feel like it’s the right thing to do. It’s not fair for kids to get Christmas while others don’t. I would rather have a little, while other kids have a lot.

I plan to give that kid a shoebox full of toys. It will have a shirt, some school supplies and toys. Then, I’ll pick a foster family. Last, we will bring it to the foster family.

I think it will make them very happy. I hope I will see him or her smiling ear to ear. I think he or she will enjoy my gifts.

Love, Carson Lovelady

Dear Santa,

To make the world better during Christmas would be to end world hunger. To me and all the hungry children in the world, that would be beyond a present. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same desire to help someone. Some people say that, “It’s impossible to end world hunger.” One day, whether it be me or someone else, I hope we can prove them wrong.

Something about the same would be world peace. Not everyone lives the same lives we do. How much would you want to be 1/10 people get abused. Sometimes people are hurt inside and out because people aren’t nice to the less fortunate. Well, that’s my wish and hopefully everyone’s wish.

Love, Ella Pike

Dear Santa,

Today, since everyone likes to tell about their Christmas traditions, I would like to share mine with the town. Every year, we go to my grandparents’ house to celebrate on Christmas Eve. Then, of course, we have to go home on Christmas Day to see our presents from Santa.

For Christmas Eve, when we go to my grandparents’, we of course, make ourselves sick stuffing ourselves when it comes time to eat, but let’s get real. After we eat, it is time for presents. One of our every year traditions is to go around the room in age order from the youngest to oldest on who opens gifts first. When we first start, my grandfather, the cousins, my brother and I all act like elves, so we pass out all the gifts. Once we have finished the gifts, all of the cousins go downstairs and watch a Christmas movie that we all decide on while we eat our dinner’s dessert. Finally, we all go home.

Now, I would like to explain how Christmas works for my family. As soon as either my brother or I wake up, we wake up the other one up so we both can run and jump on my parents, saying, “Guess what, it’s Christmas! There are presents!” After that, we go to the living room and first read the letter from Santa. Then, we pass out the stockings. Once we looked at what was in our stockings, we talked about it and how thankful we are for it. Now, it’s time to open presents. Last year was our first year to have an Elf on the Shelf, so after we opened presents, we wrote a letter to Santa telling how much fun it was waking up every morning to a scavenger hunt to find him. Lastly, we sometimes make us all a mug of either hot chocolate or coffee for the ride around town to look at the all the Christmas decorations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love, Halle Bone

Dear Santa,

One of my wishes beyond a present is to make life better without robbers and with all family with food. My better wish is to have the town better. With the better town is to have fun, with kids that would have fun with our family. My other wish is to go see the zoo each fist day of the month. The zoo is fun, because we get to see the animals and we can feed them. Those are my wishes beyond a present. A present is just a thing that you want, like clothes and shoes, so I might go wish for Christmas beyond just a present.

I was to have my wish on Christmas to see every family happy and I want it to snow on Christmas so we can all build a snowman. We want to make sure to be so nice to other people so we can get some food to others and some water to see how nice we are. That one of my wish to be nice to others. Two thing that we are going to do is be nice to others and be kind to them and give them food and water. That’s a good wish to have and I want you to do the same thing as I wish.

Love, Ashlie Cruz

Dear Santa,

One of my family’s traditions is going to my uncle’s house on Christmas Eve. The rest of my family and I eat a tasty meal to start off with. Next, we usually socialize or play games with one another. After that, we go to a large room, and open our presents one by one. Finally, we all say our goodbyes and wait and see what you bring us the next morning.

The next morning, me and my brother go to our parents’ room once we wake up. My parents get out the tape recorder and call us into the living room. As we go in, our faces usually light up once we see our presents. Ripping all the presents up, the rest of the day is left for our new toys.

Love, Tori Hughes

P.S. Thanks for the toys

Dear Santa,

I’m writing to you about my family’s Christmas traditions instead of Christmas wishes. On December 23, I always travel to my older sister’s house to celebrate Christmas with my nephew and to open presents. I love to spend time with my family and love to see what I get for Christmas, even thought it’s not about the presents. After we open presents, we stay at her house until we’re ready to go to celebrate with my dad’s family.

When I get to my dad’s family, we eat a big Christmas lunch before we open presents. After lunch, all the adults play dirty Santa, which is really fun to watch. But, before we open presents, Santa comes and sings Christmas carols with us. Then, we open gifts as Santa’s volunteer elves distributing the presents. Then, we always leave to go to Christmas Mass on the way to see my mom’s family.

After we leave church, we go to celebrate Christmas with my mom’s family. When we get there, we eat our last meal of the day, Christmas dinner. The, we sit down and open presents. After that, my two brothers, sister and I go put our pajamas on for the car ride home. Then, we get home at midnight or 1 o’clock in the morning. We get everything in the house and go to bed.

When everyone is up and out of bed, my dad reads the Christmas Story out of the Bible before anyone opens their presents. After we finish reading, we open presents. We unwrap them, and usually pay with our toys while mom and dad make breakfast. I have always enjoyed Christmas because I get to see my family and celebrate with them. I don’t want to bother you anymore, so let me conclude this letter. Merry Christmas!

Love, Mikayla Dubnik

Dear Santa,

I wanted to tell you about my family’s tradition on Christmas. We go to my mom’s side and open our presents. Then, we go to my dad’s side and we do things a little different. My grandmother makes these mini games up and we play against each other. We have extra gifts so we play and whoever wins, picks out a gift. After that, me and my family go to Florida to see my friend. We stay in Florida until New Year’s Day. Me and my family love to celebrate with our relatives. This is my Christmas tradition.


Madalynn Lambert

Dear Santa,

What is the best gift you’ve ever given? The best gift my family has ever given was by doing Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child is when you pack a shoebox for a girl or boy within a certain age. Then a local church sends it off to be delivered to another country.

Those presents mean a lot to those kids. We take a lot of things for granted, but these kids hardly have anything, so they love everything they receive. I know if I were one of those kids, I would love everything I received. The presents in the boxes are the only things they get each year.

I could only imagine what their faces look like when they open their shoebox. I’m sure their eyes are as big as Oreos and their mouths drop down to the ground. I’m sure they will have a smile on their face for the rest of the day, knowing that someone was thinking of them. Wouldn’t you like to see their faces when they opened their shoebox, too?

Love, Cana Beth Waynick

Dear Santa,

My wish for Christmas beyond just a present is for all the people who have no one, to come eat and spend Christmas with families who allow that.

Have you ever seen someone alone on a holiday? I have and it makes me sad. I want that to stop. Those people deserve more than just to be home alone on Christmas. To make this happen, I’m gonna make posters and flyers. I’m also gonna talk to people I know to help me.

If my idea happens, I hope to inspire younger and even older people to make a mark on the world. All the people in the community may not accept, but at least we tried. I really hope my plan works.

Love, Abbey Allred

Dear Santa,

This year, I want something different for Christmas beyond just a present. What I would like is my mom to be back in my life. I cry every night because she’s not here beside me anymore. I miss her calling me “baby girl,” like she always did. That would always make me smile. It hurts my heart. I wish that my family would accept her back into my life, and I know that she started off on a bad start. I need you to help me, please, Santa. And get my present on Christmas Day. I really like to write and always wanted people to read my story about my family and get it put in the newspaper. I really hope that ya’ll like my letter to Santa because this letter means everything to me. Once, I was thinking of that when I get older that I want to write about peoples’ families and how they survived in their life and what was it like. This is my dream. I know this isn’t part of my letter to you. I just wish that she would come and hug us on Christmas Day and I still thank you for the wonderful Christmas with her last year.

Love, Alyssah Orr

Dear Santa,

My family’s Christmas traditions are that when we wake up, the first thing we do is open our presents. Next, we all gather at my grandparents’ house for lunch and dinner. Then, we open the presents they brought us. But, before we eat, we make sure to say a prayer.

On this day, we all dress up nicely. Further, after we eat, the kids will play outside in the snow, if there is any. If not, the boys will play with their new toys they received, or we just hang out and watch TV. Sometimes, me and my cousins will spend the night with our grandparents.

Well, this is the end of my Christmas traditions. Have a Merry Christmas.

(unsigned letter)

Dear Santa,

Whenever I wake up on Christmas morning, I run to my mom’s bedroom and say, “Wake up, it’s Christmas!” when they wake up, me and my sisters go downstairs and open presents. My grandma will come to our house and cook breakfast. I will start whenever we get done opening presents. My mom will tell me to get ready to go to my dad’s house and celebrate with him. At my dad’s, we open presents and eat a little. After we’re done, we go to my cousin’s house and open presents. After that, we go to my nana’s house and open presents. If it’s my mom’s day to keep us, we go to my grandma’s house and hang out there and open presents and if it’s my dad’s day to keep us, we just go over there and enjoy Christmas. I really enjoy my family’s traditions.

Love, Caden Olive

Dear Santa,

My wish for Christmas is something beyond just a present. I would like a few things, actually. My first wish would be that animals would not get abandoned. It makes me sad to see animals sad and hungry. I see many abandoned cats around my neighborhood. I would love nothing more but to see all the homeless animals get a good home this Christmas.

My second wish would be that less people would fight in the world. There’s so much anger and miscommunication. If people would just calm down and set aside their differences, they may find that talking to someone is easier than fighting. People get so defensive and I don’t really know why. Many people often find it easier to put the blame on someone else and I don’t think that’s very fair.

My third and final wish would that everyone would slow down and think of the reason for the season. I am most thankful for the birth of Jesus. I understand that none of my wishes can be wrapped and put under the tree. So, be safe and have a Merry Christmas.

Sincerely, Olivia Wunch

Dear Santa,

For the past few years and hopefully for years to come, my family has created some new Christmas traditions. Lately, we have played dirty Santa. It, by far, enhances the Christmas season.

This Christmas should be one to remember. I am only 11, so I have not been through many memorable Christmases but I will have lots of fun. This Christmas, I will watch tons of movies, that is another tradition. My family has a large selection of Christmas movies. We love to watch them all.

Love, Stuart Hall

Dear Santa,

My household has some traditions for whenever the month of December comes around. I’ll start off with the food. Every year, my mom will go buy some candy cane sticks and my favorite peppermint hot chocolate. So, basically, my mom goes shopping for winter holiday sweets.

There is something that we decorate our house with that is every special to us, which are ornaments that my grandmother made, but the reason that it is so special to me is that I never got to meet my grandmother because a couple years before I was born, she died, so these ornaments are little things to remember her by. Now, I will talk about the more traditional things we do. Every year, we will watch Christmas movies all through December. Every year on Christmas Eve, we sit in front of the fire and read the Christmas Story. On Christmas Day, we have a big breakfast and have hot chocolate and of course, open presents. Then, we have family over and have a big feast. So, those are my Christmas traditions.

Sincerely, Isabella Segars

Dear Santa,

Our family has lots of traditions. We buy an actual tree and decorate it with everything we have. We have a large dinner with everyone in our family. If it snows, we go outside and build lots of snowmen. Every year, we gather around the TV and watch The Polar Express and other Christmas movies.

Love, Nicholas Carmack

Dear Santa,

I hope that everyone that has cancer doesn’t have it anymore. I know that’s too much to ask for, but everyone will be happy. My parents cry when they watch videos of kids that have cancer running down the football fields. Think about how they feel if you are in their shoes. I always pray to God that cancer goes away or doesn’t even exist. I know that is too much to ask for, but the world would be a better place. Kids and adults will be happy. Please make this wish come true.

Sincerely, Matthew Robles

Dear Santa,

Hi, how are you? I would be better if I knew that on Christmas Eve that as I open my gifts, every person was in a warm house, opening gifts.

That would make me feel ecstatic to know. I would be thrilled to know that people had a house, food, warmth. To help people, me and my family give to food drives year round.

So, now you know what I want for Christmas.

Your friend, Eric Fowler

Dear Santa,

My family loves Christmas and when Christmas starts, we eat and celebrate. We open presents and have fun with friends and family. We listen to Christmas carols and we go out and sing carols and brighten other peoples’ days. Santa, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and you doing your job of giving, makes me happy. I hope people will come together, relax and enjoy Christmas.

Your friend,

Bryan Vo

Dear Santa,

I still believe you exist, no matter what other people say. I, being in the 6th grade, get teased for believing in you. I have been pushed around for a long time and have been trying to keep my temper by trying to do something else. It’s not everyone but there are some people that aren’t good to hang around. Santa, my Christmas wish is that everybody would be nicer or not have the punch everyone attitude.

A believer,

Walker Anton

Dear Santa,

My household has many traditions. It depends on what year it is because it swaps years, but this year is my mom’s. First, I open presents, when I get up. Then, I go to MawMaw’s to eat and open presents. After, I go to mom’s and we eat and open presents, and that’s how it is every year.

Love, Lydia Coffey

Dear Santa,

This year, I’m writing to you about something a little different, beyond a present and that is a great Christmas for my family and friends. I have been hoping for everyone to get together, have fun and open presents. Maybe you can help us out.


Noah Moore

Dear Santa,

My wish for Christmas beyond a present is that we have a great Christmas. And I know what Christmas is really about. It’s about the birth of Jesus Christ and being with your family on the day Christ was born. And I don’t need presents to be happy. I’m already happy that I know it’s about Christ.

My wish is for all animals around the world to be safe. I want better people to take care of the animals. My dog Sadie is sick and if I had only one wish, it would be to help her. And my parents are thinking of taking her to the pound and they’d take care of her and find her a home.

Your friend,

Shiloh Powell

Dear Santa,

My family’s Christmas traditions are that we go to my grandparents house to open gifts and then we go to my aunt’s to open gifts and then we go out to eat and go help the homeless. Then we go shopping and go home and eat dessert and then go to my aunt’s.

Your friend,

Rylea Pressnell

Hartselle Intermediate School: Daphne Landers’ sixth grader class

Dear Santa,

My wish for Christmas is to see my whole family for Christmas. I have lots of cousins up in Tennessee that I don’t know. I have never met them. I have been wanting to meet them for a few months. So, if I could see all my cousins in Tennessee it would be awsome.


Matthew Whisman

Dear Santa,

My family has wonderful Christmas traditions. We invite all of our family over to my house. We cook different kinds of food. We bring each other presents. We watch TV, play video games, or maybe go outside when everyone is over. Our Christmas tradition is awesome. I always have fun. Christmas isn’t all about presents. It’s about being with your family.

Yours truly,

Jacob Cody

Dear Santa,

My family has a few Christmas traditions. My first tradition is my mother and I get up and sit in her bed and read a verse from the bible. Then, we go downstairs and open all the presents we got. Next, we put on some Christmas clothes and head over to my grandmother’s house.

When we get to her house, we sit and drink some Mocha Punch. Then we sit in the living room and wait for the rest of the family to get there so we can open all the rest of the presents she got us. After the presents we usually play a few games or so. Then me and my mom go home and I usually play with the presents I got. Hope you have a few traditions as well.

Yours truly,

Callie Arnold

Dear Santa,

My favorite tradition is when my mom comes and stays the night. We always watch this movie called “Elf”. We drink hot cocoa and listen to Christmas music. My mom always lets us open one gift on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Day, my sisters and I always wake up super early. I’m always the first one up. Then I run all the way to my mom’s and step-dad’s room and jump on them. It’s so fun. And that’s my favorite tradition!


Amaya Butler

Dear Santa,

This year I want to be with my family. I think family is something that everyone needs. I think family is something you can trust. Everyone needs a family to lean on during hard times. I will never try to leave the things I love the most on earth, my FAMILY, that includes, Samantha, Cole, Momma, Daddy, Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, and everyone else in my family.

Yours truly,

Natalie Wallace

Dear Santa,

My family has wonderful traditions that I look forward to each year. We always go to my Nana and Papa Randy’s before anybody else. Then, you (Santa) bring our gifts. We always get one big gift like, go on vacation or something big. This year Santa came early! We are going to Tennessee today! Then, we normally go to my Mimi’s in the morning and we will eat breakfast there. Then, we get our presents!

Yours truly,

Calee Fowler

Dear Santa,

The greatest gift my family has ever given was when my church does “Operation Christmas Child,” and we send things to needy children in other countries. WE buy things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, flashlights, toys, soap, and a towel and put them into a shoebox and send them to a country where kids aren’t as fortunate as we are.


Kameron Kirby

Dear Santa,

My family loves football, but we never go to really big games. So, me and my family gave my dad National Championship tickets. when we gave him his ticket, My dad’s friend’s family gave him one, so my dad and his friend went to the game. He loved that. That was so awesome to see him so happy.


Mason Mann

Dear Santa,

Some of my family traditions are these. One of them is we always turn our Christmas lights on the day of December 1st. Also, we usually watch the movie “Elf”. It’s probably my family’s favorite Christmas movie. My favorite part is when Buddy the Elf says “Santa! Santa! I know him.” One last family tradition is that my family let’s us open our Christmas presents from our mom and Dad the night before Christmas.

Your’s truly,

Reagan Corder

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I wish that people would realize the true meaning of the holiday. I wish people would see past the presents and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Christmas is about a little baby boy, born in Bethleham, to save us all. I hope you will help me spread the word of God. Rich or poor, I hope everybody has a good Christmas.

Your friend,

Jessica Beal

Dear Santa,

My family tradition’s are that on Christmas Eve night we set out cookies and milk. Plus for the reindeer, we put out a wooden slog and inside the clog we put a carrot. On Christmas Day we put 7 pieces of paper in a hat with writing on it. Then we get a piece of paper out of the hat and see what place we’re going to do next Christmas.

Yours truly,

Tea Heaps

Dear Santa,

The best gift in My opinion was a gift we gave to our grandfather, but I don’t want to say what it is. This gift was stolen from him, and it meant a lot to him. So we decided to get him a new one. When he opened, I think he was tearing up, for happiness though. It really made my family feel good. Thank you for taking your time to read.


Danielle Holt

Dear Santa,

MY Familys traditions are, Opening Presents. We allways open Presents on Christmas Eve. We open the one from my grandma, but not the ones at my house. Another tradition is spending the night at my grandparents. It’s only me and my cousin, but we do it every year. We also Play games and Play with our presents. We also eat Dinner there. When I get home, I get to open one earlier present. Thats my family traditions.

Your’s truly,

Blake Poff

Dear Santa,

The best gift I have ever given would be a boat to my grandmother and grandfather. They have a house on the lake and a pier, so we got them a boat for Christmas. You should have seen their faces. They light up like a Christmas tree. They thought the boat was beautiful, and I did to. It was black and white. GORGEOUS! So, that was the best gift I have given.


Chloe Palmer


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