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Hartselle Enquirer

Letters to the Editor

One-way traffic flow a concern

As a shop owner in downtown Hartselle, I am a strong supporter of downtown progress. Providing functional, safe and enjoyable traffic conditions would be major ... Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

LETTER: Children show love, concern in Santa letters

Dear Editor: There is an after Christmas, I am the lady from Somerville. that has written to the paper twice I believe. Please correct my ... Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

Thoughts for the new year

Dear Editor, I would like to share the following with your readers: Here am I, your calendar new in the name of your Lord, coming ... Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

LETTER: Fuzzy ordinance enforcement

Dear Editor, Living in Hartselle is a continual learning experience. When the city received funding for the new high school, is when I learned Hartselle ... Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

LETTER: Give a Christmas gift to all children

Dear Editor, As we approach the completion of SNAP, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the faithful and unrelenting SNAP volunteers and the ... Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

Misdirected efforts

I have been watching, with disgust, all the support for Michael Brown. Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

Are you self governing

Most people in America believe in freedom. It is our most sacred ideal and the core value of our country. Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

Thank you, concerned citizen

Earlier this year I made a New Years resolution to say thank you to some groups of people for what they do every day. Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

HCS needs your help

Hartselle City Schools is developing a strategic plan that will guide our school system over the course of the next five years. Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

Thanks for making Caring Day a big success

I would like to thank the residents of Hartselle for participating in our annual Caring Day. Read more

9 years ago by Letters to the Editor.

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