The journey to the cross
In John 2:1-4, Jesus attends a wedding in Cana, where His mother is also present. During the celebration, the wine runs out-a significant issue in that culture, as running out of wine would bring embarrassment to the hosts. Mary turns to Jesus, knowing He has the power to help. However, Jesus responds, “My hour has not yet come.” At first, it seems like He is reluctant to act, but then He makes a pivotal decision-His time has arrived. In this moment, Jesus chooses to reveal His divine nature. He instructs the servants to fill six stone jars with water, and miraculously, the water transforms into the finest wine. This marks the beginning of His ministry, the first of many signs that would reveal His identity as the Son of God. This miracle is more than just an act of kindness-it is a declaration. Jesus’ hour has begun. It is the hour in which He will demonstrate the power of God through miracles, revealing His glory and pointing all praise back to the Father. It is the hour that sets Him on the road to the cross, where He will ultimately offer Himself as a sacrifice for the salvation of the world. His journey has begun. Over the next few weeks, let’s take a closer look at the lives He touched, the miracles He performed, and the incredible moments leading up to the cross. The wedding at Cana is just the beginning-Jesus’ hour has come!