Council approves agreement with developer to bring Starbucks to Hartselle
By Tracey Tylman
For the Enquirer
At the regular meeting Feb. 25, members of the Hartselle City Council approved the repayment of infrastructure cost to the developers for a Starbucks to be built in Hartselle.
Resolution 25-0225 for WEScorp LLC approved the $210,000 reimbursement of construction cost for the turn lane at Highway and Longhorn Pass for the new business. An additional reimbursement of up to $200,000 will be paid for sewer and soil maintenance. This second amount will come from sales tax, not affecting taxes reserved for Hartselle City Schools, according to city attorney Larry Madison. It will be paid until either the amount is reached, or 10 years has been exhausted.
Citizen Will Lackey of Hartselle brought his own issue forward regarding the maintenance of Sparkman Park. He said the walking paths have not been adequately maintained for several years. Mayor Randy Garrison advised the city hired a consultant and is conducting a master plan of renovations for Sparkman Park.
A budget adjustment of $25,000 was approved unanimously for repairs of sewer issues at a Sparkman Park concession stand. Hartselle Utilities will be offering boring services, which assist with overall repair cost.
Interim police chief Alan McDearmond also addressed the council on an upcoming ordinance to update park regulations due to people not leaving after dark. The council approved the introduction, but did not pass the motion so that all members could properly review the ordinance.
Garrison also gave an update on the Feb. 9 break in at the Parks and Recreation department. The suspect had been arrested and all but a few saws had been returned.
The next council meeting will be March 11 at 7 pm.