Shady Grove Baptist Church supports ongoing ministries
The members of Shady Grove Bap tist Church are actively involved in several ongoing ministries. One of these is the Operation Christmas Child shoe box project. Church staff encourage everyone to take advantage of sales on toys and other items to fill the shoe boxes.
Another key ministry is G.R.A.C.E. Ministries, which focuses on Guatemala Relief and Compassion Efforts. To support this initiative, coffee from Guate-mala is being sold at Shady Grove Baptist Church for $10 per pound. All proceeds go to benefit the ministry.
The Save-A-Life Pregnancy Resource Center in Decatur has provided vital support to thousands of women. Needed donations include baby formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, lotion, blankets, and new or gently used clothing for newborns to children up to 3T.
Shady Grove Baptist Church members are also collecting Pop Tops from canned drinks for Danville-Neel Elementary School. These pop tops will be donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama.
In addition, the church supports the Hands Across Decatur Food Pantry, which has an ongoing need for items such as potted meat, Spam, Vienna sausage, beans and franks, protein bars, energy bars, chicken or tuna packs, singleserve water flavorings, and Gatorade.
Danville High School news A group of Danville High School students recently attended the Decatur-Morgan County Chamber of Commerce Career & Workforce Expo. They had the chance to meet with over 60 local companies to explore career opportunities in the area. After the career fair, students toured the Alabama Center for the Arts campus in Decatur to learn about the courses and programs offered by Calhoun Community College and Athens State University.
Falkville Elementary School news
Congratulations to the Falkville Elementary School Math Team, which placed second out of 11 teams at Walter Jackson! The staff is extremely proud of the team’s hard work and dedication in achieving this impressive result.