Striving for Godly qualities
In 1 Timothy, Paul gives Timothy guidance on how to “conduct your self in the house of God” (3:15). He outlines the qualifications for Elders within the church (3:1-7), explaining that not everyone is called to this leadership role because not everyone meets the necessary standards. However, many of these qualifications are traits that all Christians can work toward developing. Characteristics like being above reproach (living a godly life, though not perfect), temperate, sober-minded, hospitable, not greedy, gentle, and able to teach-these are qualities that every believer can strive to cultivate.
Imagine how powerful the church could be if all of its members pursued these Godly traits! The church would thrive and grow as we demonstrate to the world that we truly live out what we believe. These qualities reflect the kind of leadership an Elder should embody, but they also show that a Christian is taking their role as a child of God seriously, growing in the fruits of the Spirit. So, take a moment to reflect on the qualifications for Elders, and consider how you can become a more effective Christian by working to develop these attributes in your own life!