Registration opens for Hartselle Citizens Police Academy
The Hartselle Police Department will offer a two-day Citizens Police Academy in March for citizens interested in learning more about law enforcement in the community.
The academy will be held at the Hartselle Public Safety Building, located at 200 N. Sparkman St. March 22 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and March 29 from 8 a.m. until noon.
To be eligible, participants must be at least 19 years old, a resident of Hartselle or the surrounding area and be able to pass a background check. Applicants may register by emailing, calling (256) 751-4919, or by mail to the police department at 150 Chestnut St. NW, Hartselle, AL 35640. Applications must be submitted no later than March 15.
Classes will be taught on HPD administration, Criminal Investigation Division (CID), Patrol Division/traffic stops, DUI/field sobriety and firearms familiarization.
After completing the academy, participants are eligible to be a part of the Hartselle Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association, which was founded in 2006.
The purpose of the Hartselle Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association (HCPAAA) is to assure and implement community awareness of the criminal justice system, to assist in fostering a better community relationship among citizens and the members of the criminal justice system, and to provide support to law enforcement activities which directly affect the community. It is organized exclusively for education and charitable purposes.
The goals of the HCPAAA are to support the Citizens Police Academy and encourage graduates to be involved with the HCPAAA; provide resources and training equipment for the HPD; inform the community and promote awareness and understanding; support HPD community activities and encourage volunteers; and be goodwill ambassadors in making Hartselle a better place to live.
For more information, visit www.