“Between Shades of Gray” By Ruta Sepetys The year was 1941, and it was during Stalin’s occupation of the Baltics. In Lithuania, Lina is 15 years old when she and her family are detained by Russian secret police. Her father is separated from the rest of them, but they all end up on cattle cars, heading to an unknown location. Her mother tells her that she and her younger brother, Jonas, must stay together. Dozens of people crammed in each car, not knowing that a weeks-long journey awaited them. Some would perish from starvation on the trip, others only wished they were dead. Once they reached their destination, a new hell was presented. Strangers become friends when you rely on each other for survival. In the face of a freezing Siberian winter and the monstrous evil of their captors, Lina will learn what drives a person through the worst hardships. Love.