A new creation
Recently, at our con gregation, we had the privilege of bap tizing a new believer in accordance with Christ’s command (Acts 2, Mark 16:16, etc.). On that day, this young man became a “new creation” in Christ (2 Cor.
5:17). But what does it truly mean to be a new creation?
In the original Greek, the word new refers to something that is recently made or fresh. The term creation or creature (depending on the translation) suggests something that has been newly constructed or built. When we obey Christ’s commands and unite with Him, the old foundation of our lives-built on things like lust, jealousy, envy, anger, and other sinful tendencies-has been demol ished. Through His sacrifice, we are made new!
As a new creation, we now begin to build a fresh founda tion-one rooted in love. Love for God, love for others, and obedience to His will. This foundation, in turn, leads to the development of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23), allowing us to live life in a completely new way. We are, quite literally, rebuilt from the ground up by Christ, transformed into something new.
What a wonderful, refreshing new life this is! Have you surrendered to Christ and become a new creation?