Sharing Christ
Have you ever won dered how to effec tively share Christ with someone? Perhaps you know someone who is open to listening or eager to learn more about Him. What should you do? The Bible provides many examples of how to share the Gospel, and one particularly powerful account is found in Acts 8:26-40. This passage describes an encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch, offering a timeless approach to leading someone to Christ.
First, we see that Philip is directed by God to approach the eunuch, and he obeys immediately (verses 26-27). This is an important lesson: when God presents an opportunity to do His work, we should respond without hesitation.
Next, Philip engages the eunuch by asking a simple question about what he is reading (verses 30-31). This demonstrates the importance of showing genuine interest in others. When people sense that we care about them, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts or struggles.
The eunuch then explains that he is reading from the prophet Isaiah but doesn’t fully understand it. This provides Philip with an opportunity to share the Gos pel, and he begins to preach Jesus to him (verses 34-35). By meeting the eunuch where he is and explaining the Scriptures, Philip shows us the power of guiding someone toward Christ through thoughtful and loving conversation.
Finally, as they travel together, they come upon some water, and the eunuch expresses his desire to be baptized. Philip baptizes him, and the eunuch goes on his way rejoicing (verses 36-39). This remarkable encounter highlights the simplicity of leading someone to Christ: one encounter, one Savior, one baptism, and one life forever changed-all because of God’s divine plan.
This example from Acts reminds us that sharing Christ doesn’t have to be complicated. Be ready to go when God presents an opportunity, take the time to show interest in others, meet them where they are, and share the message of Jesus. Who knows? Your willingness to follow this simple formula could lead someone to salvation and joy in Christ.