Have yourself a Magi Christmas
One of the most intriguing parts of the Christmas story for me is the visit of the Magi. In the book of Daniel, we read about the Magi and how they provided information to Nebuchadnezzar, the ancient Babylonian king. He placed Daniel over them, as he was the wisest of them all. One of their abilities was to interpret the signs found among the stars, and the Magi in the days leading up to the birth of Jesus saw an unusual star that signified the birth of a king, the king of Israel. The Magi left on a magnificent journey to see the king the star foretold was born in Israel. They followed the star to Bethlehem after being told it was the place the prophet Micah said the promised king would be born.
The Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to give to the newly born king. While we don’t know when they came to Bethlehem, it seems between the events in Luke’s Gospel and Matthew’s Gospel they came after the circumcision of Jesus (8 days after birth), and his presentation at the Temple (just over a month). Regardless of when they came, they added something very special to the first Christmas event–the tradition of giving gifts. They brought their gifts to the greatest gift ever given—to Jesus.
Through the years, I have both received and given many gifts at Christmas. Some were more meaningful than others, some more sacrificial, and others more memorable. In a great story called the Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, a financially strapped young couple want to give the other a gift, and both end up making great sacrifices for the other which rendered the other’s gift use-less. However, it is the love and sacrifice of the gift that becomes the greatest gift.
The Magi made sacrifices of time, travel, and treasure to honor the Christ of Christmas. As we contemplate what to give to our loved ones, to those in need, and to worthy causes this Christmas, let us not forget to also give of ourselves to the Lord. The Apostle Paul said of the poor Macedonians in helping with an offering for suffering saints, “And they (gave) not just as we had hoped, but they gave themselves first to the Lord ” If you want to have a truly Magi Christmas, make sure you give yourself to the Lord above all else.