Crestline’s ‘Flying Tigers’ win judges’ award at AERO Drone Competition
By Miken Draper and Jack Hill
Crestline’s drone team, ‘The Flying Tigers,’ took home the Judges’ Award at the AERO drone competition held in Arad Nov. 3. The team received the award for their meticulously crafted Engineering Design Notebook and an impressive team interview, distinguishing them among competitors.
Under the guidance of coaches Dr. Debbie Lee and Lyndsey Bawolek, the team includes Miken Draper, Jack Hill, Kaitlyn Sivley, Collier Figh, Leyla Bawolek and Samuel Clemons. Each team member plays a crucial role, from coding to spotting and piloting, contributing to the team’s success, according to Bawolek.
Draper shared his favorite part of being on the drone team is “flying and learning with friends,” while Hill enjoys “piloting the drone and watching [his] skills improve.” Both students appreciate the practical applications of drone technology, noting that drones are used for aerial observation and can also support delivery services, including mail and food.