Special to the Enquirer
Danville, Danville, Eva, Falkville, Falkville, Lacey's Spring, Lacon, Morgan Countian, Morgan County, Neel, News, News, Priceville, Somerville, Somerville, West Morgan
In recognition
Special to the Enquirer
January was School Board Recognition Month, and the Morgan County Schools system takes the opportunity to show appreciation for the hard work, support and loyalty of its board members: (standing, left to right) Mike Tarpley, District 3, Falkville, Paul Holmes, District 4, Eva, Vice-Chairman John Holley, District 7, Union Hill and Lacey’s Spring, Chairman Billy Rhodes, District 1, West Morgan, Chris Humphries, District 6, Cotaco and Brewer, (seated, left to right) Adam Glenn, District 2, Danville, Superintendent Robert L. Elliott Jr., and Jimmy Dobbs, District 5, Priceville and Sparkman.