Chapter welcomes COC convention
Mrs. Cyndi Himes, Alabama Division UDC 3rd vice president and director of the Alabama Division Children of the Confederacy, welcomed members and guests to the 88th Alabama Division Children of the Confe-deracy Convention which was held at the Holiday Inn in Decatur June 10-12, hosted by Little Joe Wheeler Chapter #764 CofC and Joe Wheeler Chapter #291 UDC.
The memorial was held at the Rising Sun Masonic Lodge with CofC Division President Ryan Hazel presiding. Miss Taylor Ricco, division chaplain, gave the memorial for the Confederate Veterans, Miss Molly Griffin, Division 2nd vice president, gave the memorial for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Miss Triston Hanks, chapter president, gave the memorial for the veterans of all wars. Miss Hannah Appleton, chapter his-torian, gave the memorial for United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Miss Bailey Griffin gave the memorial for the Children of the Confederacy,and Ryan Hazel presented a special tribute to the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States. A wreath was carried to the Old State Bank Building, which is a standing memorial to the Confederacy.
The banquet was held at the Holiday Inn, with Leland Free and Thomas Whitman, SCV members, delivering a very interesting and informative program. After the meal UDC member Laura Ritch taught the children to dance the Virginia Reel and the Pitty Pat Polka. Everyone had very good time.
On Saturday, the business meeting convened at 10 a.m. with Division President Ryan Hazel presiding. John Hunt Morgan, treasurer, Charlotte Hazel, parliamentarian. and Little Joe Wheeler chapter members Hannah Appleton, Molly Apple-ton, AnnaBelle Vest, and Brooklyn Thomas served as pages. The meeting ended with the election of new division officers. President – Skylar Sexton, Vice President – John Appleton, Little Joe Wheeler – 2nd vice President – Bailey Griffin, Dudley Snow – 3rd vice president – Molly Griffin, Dudley Snow – recording secretary – AnnaBelle Vest, Little Joe Wheeler – treasurer – Landon Wallace, Little Joe Wheeler – historian – Hannah Appleton, Little Joe Wheeler – chaplain – Brooklyn Thomas, Little Joe Wheeler – custodian – Evan Gillespie and- editor – Emma Steed, Little Joe Wheeler.
The meeting was adjourned and everyone was invited to lunch and an afternoon of swimming and fun at Joe Wheeler member, Laverne Foster’s, house.