Governor's plan would boost school coffers
By Staff
Tracy B. Cieniewicz, Hartselle Enquirer
Hartselle City Schools would receive an additional $2.8 million per year if Amendment 1 passes Sept. 9, according to Alabama Department of Education estimates.
If the measure does not pass, Superintendent Dr. Lee Hartsell said he is unsure to what extent the school system will be affected.
"From that point, it'll just be up to the Legislature in January," Hartsell said. "It's possible that our school system could lose between $700,000 and $800, 000 next year, but I don't think I or anyone else can determine the true outcome right now."
Hartsell said he personally supports Gov. Bob Riley's tax reform plan and will vote yes Sept. 9. However, he said he has not brought the issue before the school board.
"I encourage people to look the plan over and vote their conscience," Hartsell said. "I don't agree with it all, but I feel it will benefit education as well as health, highways, prison systems and much more. I personally can think of eight great reasons to vote yes-my eight grandchildren."
The state department of education estimated the following additional funding for the Hartselle City Schools system if Amendment 1 passes: